The Beginning of Infinity (David Deutsch)
The Beginning of Infinity (David Deutsch)

David Deutsch is an Israeli physicist, trained at the universities of Cambridge and Oxford, who is able to think about major issues in a very original way. He seems to me an outstanding example of “out of the box” thinking that does not shy away from speculating on fundamental issues in a radical and provocative... » read more

The Universe that discovered itself (Barrow)
The Universe that discovered itself (Barrow)

One of my favorite popular science book writer is John D. Barrow. His books focuses on his two academic and research specialties: mathematics and physics. He writes about these matters quite clearly, although in this facet I think there are other authors who elaborate or take more risks to explain complex concepts to a general... » read more

Science comics: Logicomix
Science comics: Logicomix

I wanted to see what can be achieved by using a comic format to tell us something about science. I chose a couple of examples that I found interesting. The first work is Logicomix, a colour graphic novel with a detailed and pleasant visual style. Note: I don’t enter into the discussion of whether  mathematics... » read more